Cuttlebug Challenge, Relax, Rejuvenate, Be Inspired Blog Hop!

May 1, 2009

Who: Cuttlebug Challenge Blog
What: Fun Blog Hop to get to the DT and some really cool members!
When: Friday, May 1st, at 8am EST until Sunday!  YAY!
Where: Cuttlebug Challenge Blog

Welcome Cuttlebug Challenge blog hop participants!!  I’m glad you stopped by for a visit.  You are now on the second blog in the HOP.  If you happen to stop by here first, simple visit the Cuttlebug Challenge Blog for all the details!

So how do I relax/rejuvenate??  Well after a long day sometimes it is very difficult to relax and rejuvenate. Here is what I do to unwind enough to get my creative soul moving again.  First, I make a relaxing cup of tea (licorice is my fav) and then I curl up the corner of my comfy couch and listen to my favorite tunes.  Sometimes I get out my crafty magazines and peruse the pages for extra inspo.  This let’s me unwind just enough to refresh my spirit! 

Once I’m recharged though. . . look out world!!  It’s down to my studio for some crafty goodness!  How do you relax?  What is your inspiration?  Let me know how you unwind and get into the crafty spirit.

Peach_flowersFor you blog hop fans, one of my fav flowers is the PEACH BLOSSOM.  I love it when the trees are full of these blossoms.  It’s so beautiful and you just know good things are to come! 

So what is the reason for the flowers?  Well in order to be eligible for some FABU prizes you will need to do the following:

  1. Follow my blog by becoming a follower to the right or adding this blog to your Google reader or feed.
  2. Leave some LUUUURVE in my comments (I yikes lurv)
  3. Collect all flower names for each of the blog participants (my name is Michele Ciola btw) and email the list to 

That’s it!! 

For more details and a list of all the prizes.  Check out the sponsor thread at Cuttlebug!  Ok on to your third stop on the blog hop!!  Please visit the fabulous:


Have fun and tell all your friends to join in the fun!!!  LOTS OF PRIZES TO BE HAD!!! 

For your convenience . . here is a list of all the fabulous ladies participating this weekend!! 

Jenn K.
Mrs. J
Jenn M


Unknown said...

YAY! I'm the first! LOL Today is my first ever blog hop! I ussually unwind and get into the crafty spirit by going into my area and looking around for something new that catches my eye. Also, I love challenges. They help me to focus on one thing.

Meda said...

Hello! Just checking everyone's. flowers:) Love your peach blossoms.

silvia said...

Michelle~ Love your Peach Blossom as well as all the inspiration on your blog.

Ellen said...

Hi Michelle. I was not sure the blog hop started already because of there was no message at Eva's blog yet.
To relax I sit alone in my own room and let my creativity bloom...
What a great idea this blog hop, I like it!


Chloe said...

Hi Michelle! Your blog is very inspiring! Enjoy the Spa Weekend!

Jean Cross said...

Hello Michelle, enjoyed your blog today. I am enjoying the hop but had to skip Eva--us east coasters are raring to go.

Anonymous said...

I actually do what you do except I drink coffee. >:0) I adore listening to music, relaxing with a hot cup of coffee with Irish Cream creamer in it. Yummy! I also love flipping through magazines for inspiration and to get my creative juices flowing. Want to come for a visit?? *grin*

rudie2shoes said...

Hi! I'm joining in this blog hop. How exciting! I've subscribed to you thru google reader too. Thanks!

java diva said...

The best way for me to unwind to get into the crafty mood is to peruse Archivers, buy some clearanced paper that I just had to have and then come home and use it! I hate when I don't get to use it right away!

stampinsueco said...

Hi I spent some time on your blog looking at all your inspiration. Now if I can just put some of that inspiration to work. Love your peach blossoms.

JillyBelly said...

hi michelle! it's my first bloghop and i'm luvin' it! have a great spa weekend!

Kimberly (pierides) said...

Fabulous blog! Very inspiring!

Mimi said...

Oh,what pretty peach blossoms!!

jeanie de la rama said...

hi michelle. i'm already a follower. thanks. :)

Karen said...

I love the peach blossom. Just stopping by to say Hello!

Patti said...

Very nice blog! I'll be following.

Katarina said...

I look through magazines, bloghop, look through my stash for inspiration...
But most often I get too many ideas at once and they paralyze me so I do nothing, lol. So I try not to overwhelm myself when I want to make something at once. Then I just decide what kind of project I want, which colour etc. I go to my corner and get started.

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle..I became a follower!!
Great way to unwind..Fab Blog Hop..
Enjoy the rest of your Evening:)♥

ellen s. said...

love the peach blossoms! i am so ready for spring. thanks for the insp and happy NSD!

Lost in Paper said...

Hello Michele! I am enjoying a cup of coffee and listening to the hummingbirds fight at the feeder!! What a great morning!

joni said...

What a great blog! Love your flower too! way of relaxing is to walk my dog while I listen to my audio book! And I get inspiration from several of which is the Cuttlebug Blog and the DT!

Unknown said...

Great stuff. This is my first blog hop with you guys and I love the work.

Julie said...

Love your blog. Loving the hop idea too.

Denise said...

Hey chica!!! thanks for letting me know about the bloghop...I'm enjoying it so far!!!

Lurve ya dearly!!

Mandy said...

What a pretty peach Blossom photo

Liz said...

This is my first blog hop...I love your flower peach well as the inspiration!

Made by Mandy said...

I love to relax by cardmaking in my little crafty room. I turn on my laptop, watch some tv and get myself a challenge or 2 going and then I am inspired.

Glue Girl said...

Okay you little social butterfly, you! I awarded you the Kreativ Blogger award. Stop by my blog to pick it up! Love ya bunches!

Sandi said...

Hi Michele,
I am getting into this bog hop thing. Watching old movies helps me to relax.

Colleen's Crafty Constructions said...

Wow, I feel better than there is more people than me blog hopping this early! I will have to come back to really get into your blog, but it is followed now.

lisa808 said...

I'm a follower! The Peach Blossoms are so pretty. I like to read for relaxation.

Katarina said...

Forgot to say that you shoould check out my banner on my blog. I made it from a photo I took last year. Guess what flower it is? ;)

Karen AKA Soccerboyzmom said...

I usually look at my scrappy thing for inspiration. Maybe pull out one paper and go from there.

Girlsinthecraft said...

Lovin' your flower choice!....deanna

Stampnms said...

Love your blog I have been following on google reader

akagreenhouse said...

I've subscribed to your blog through my reader! I don't know that I've ever seen a peach blossom in person. the picture ios beautiful!

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful flower! I try to unwind by gathering all the things I need before I start a new project.

Tina Mayo said...

I like your blog header that is too cute.. just the blog post alone was relaxing.. I got me my special cup of DrPepper, turned on relaxing music and am hopping thru these blogs..great inspiration.

MoniqueAnne said...

Joining in on the blog hop -- and excited to follow you now!
I'm new to the world of paper, but I dove right in and love inspiration.

Regina said...

I love peach blossoms! love your blog such pretty creations

Eveline said...

Isn't this fun, I really like blog hops and this time lots of people come visit me too.

Brenda said...

I enjoyed looking over your blog. I went back several weeks and checked out your work - wowow. You are so creative.

My fav way to relax is to slump in my comfy, heavily padded backyard swing and watch the birdies. I feed them, and provide water, and housing, too.

cottagerca said...

I have never seen peach blosoms like that before!!! Right now I have my tuplip tree in full vibrant pink bloom!!! Took some pictures today.

Daniela Dobson said...

Not sure if I have seen a Peach Blossom but I love it!

Linda said...

Crafting is my way to relax. It doesn't take much to inspire me to be crafty. I can look at any magazine (doesn't have to be a crafty magazine)and get lots of ideas.

Arlene B. said...

hop hop hop, been looking forward to this for a few weeks, hope to relax this weekend by blog hopping!

Laura L said...

Just starting the blog hop. Nice flowers.

Anonymous said...

I think this is my 1st visit to your blog. It's wonderful!!! Before I married I use to take long walks in the evenings. I haven't thought about that in so long. We had no near neighbors and no traffic so walking was really relaxing. The quiet time all to myself.

Helen F. said...

Hi Michele, nice to meet you. I am now a follower, which is how I get inspired - visiting all of the wonderful Craft Blogs. Your relaxation method sounds like a winner (I work in a tea shop and could go on and on about how "good" tea is for you ;o)

gram2three said...

Love your work, I relax with my computer....haven't gotten into challenges yet. Hope to be more active as I learn. Thanks for allowing me to participate.

Colleen said...

This is so much fun and I love your choice of flower.

connie said...

I unwind with a cup of coffee and reading all the inspirational blogs.

Cheryl said...

Great flower.

Anonymous said...

This is so much fun! I love discovering new crafty people!


Nancy Sanders said...

licorice tea, sounds yummy. I have never tasted licorice tea.

Calie said...

This is so fun I love your blog!

Sandra Korten said...

Hi Michele, love your blog. And what al lovely flower you've picked!
Sandra :-)

Beth Norman said...

Such a pretty flower indeed.

Kay D said...

Hi Michele!
When I need to unwind, I just escape to my scrapbook room (dubbed "The Sanctuary") and look for a challenge somewhere to get the creative juices going.
Thanks for the chance to win some yummy goodies!

rlovew said...

Enjoy the spa weekend- I love the links in your past few entries to techniques.

Kristine said...

Hi Michele!! :) I'm new to this, but having fun. LOVE your blog. I "lurv" to relax by curling up with my big fat pillow on the couch and watch my favorite shows like Survivor, or American Idol, or blog surfing!! :)

Teresa (aka tmom) said...

Love the peach blossoms, so very pretty!
This blog hop is going to be lots of fun!

Esther said...

Hi from New Zealand! I love to unwind with a glass of wine and a good book when I get the chance. Love blog hopping too!

FroggieStamps said...

I lurv lurv too, and here's some for you! Very pretty and unique projects!


Shauna K said...

blog hops rock! :)

Sharon said...

Lovely pic. Love your blog.

Mary Jean said...

love peach blossoms...and can I come relax with you...just the description made me mellow out!

Jennifer Hansen said...

Glad to find your blog - great inspiration!

jenniferlynnhansen at yahoo dot com

Debra Johnson-King said...

Never seen a peach blossom! Thanks for showing me what it looks like

Amber said...

Hi Michelle, just checking out everyone's blog for the hop!!! So happy you joined us for the Spa weekend! Love the peach blossom also, great pick!

Shellie Munro said...

thanks for this GREAT opportunity to check out all these amazing blogs!!!

I am loving this HOP!


Gail said...

Love your cards and non cards! LOL

Melissa S. said...

Peach Blossom reminds me of the south. Georgia. Any way love your blog and I'm now a follower. I will be back.

Vivi Martínez said...

I am still no sure on how this works, but I am having so much fun visiting blogs and finding inspiration, so I'll keep hopping.

Sue S. said...

This is my first blog hop and I think it is great. There are many talented people in this world and you are one of them. Love the peach blossom.

Leah Loy said...

I am having a ton of fun on this blog hop and the flowers everyone picked are beautiful. I just signed up to follow your will download directly into my Outlook every time you that. Great blog and looking forward to your posts.

bevyb said...

This is fun...luv blog hopping.
My PC and craft table are facing each other, so I get in the crafty mood by playing some music in the background and doing a little blog hopping.. The challenges also help me to focus.

Martha said...

Love your peach blossom!!!
Have a great weekend :)

Ramona West said...

Hey Michele! I am still trying to figure out how to become a follower. I don't see the place to join. I will check back this evening. Thank U so much for participating in this Blog Hop. It is so much fun!

Carol Ann said...

To relax before I start crafting I have a look through some inspirational blogs, chat to some craft forum friends turn my radio or ipod on and off I go!

Luv x

Janet said...

I've never seen a peach blossom in real life. It looks beautiful.

Rosanne said...

Creating never fails to unwind me!

Anonymous said...

Hi Michelle :)
To get in the creative mood I like to just grab some paper at random & let it flow from that.

GretaB said...

Reading mags is one of my favorite ways to unwind too. Don't have to think - just enjoy. :)

Reneeromero said...

Love your blog. Pretty flower

Sue McRae said...

The Peach Blossom is gorgeous!

Picture This said...

Great blog, I am now a follower too.

Melissa said...

Love your blog MIchelle I unwind by locking my door and putting on twilight the move. Then I look thru my magazines for ideas.

Daintry said...

This "hopping" is so cool! I love seeing all these inspirational blogs. Since I can't do a crop because of the flying piggys (swine flu) at least I can get some cool idea's from your blogs! Thanks for the chance to win!

Diane said...

love peach blossoms.

TracyJ said...

Your blog is beautiful. This is a great hop-a-roo!

Sharon "Sassy" Butler said...

Just hopping through and spreading some luv your way! Love your Blog!

Nancy D. said...

Hi Michele great blog...challenges get my creative juices flowing

Sheila D said...

Blog hop! It relaxes me and gets my creative juices going. There is so much eye candy out there. Love your blog. I have you in my reader.

Dawnll said...

Love your peach blossoms, reminds me of the south.

Foxcraft said...

I LOVE Blog hopping for crafting inspiration, especially with a lovely glass of something chilled in my other hand!

Carol said...

Great blog.....

*BJ* said...

Peach blossoms are awesome.. just lurvey..

Traicee said...

I am enjoying checking out everyone's blog- yours is wonderful btw. :)

kreativeimagination said...

Happy NSD! Well, flipping through magines and visiting blogs gets me inspired and relaxed. This also gets me in my crafty mode.
I am a follower.

Crystal said...

This is my first ever blog hop, so much fun!

Debbie said...

Hey, the peach blossoms are out in Michigan! Everything is flowering and the bees are buzzing. I love spring!

Tinchen said...

Its nice to read that you find a way to relax, my way to relax ist watch blogs like yours, I love the Tips and Tricks you give to us, Thank You

samiam said...

Great blog, I love Peach Blossoms also, lived in Georgia for a few years.

Maureen Morton said...

Hi, Michelle! Thanks for all your GREAT inspiration! I love to swim in warm water to relax....and, make cards, of course! Thanks!

Jennifer said...

To unwind, I like to sit at the computer at the end of the day after everyone else is in bed and "blog hop" through the many blogs in my google reader.

Chrisd said...

Love your peach blossoms.
I unwind with soothing music

Deanna said...

Leavin' ya some Lurv!! Love that you call it that! Oh, and I'm a follower too! Gotta lurv that!

Melissa Kaye said...

Hi Michelle! Thanks for participating in the blog hop! This is super cool of all of you and I'm loving checking out your blogs!

fresh as a daisy said...

To relax and be inspired I like to turn on a really good movie that I have probably seen a hundred times and get out some of my new supplies. That usually does the trick!!

Sue said...

Just dropped in to say hi ScrapinNannyof5

Joy Tracey said...

This is my first blog hop! I am excited to see all the wonderful blogs out there! You have fabulous things on this blog - thank you for sharing your artwork and your knowledge!!! LOVE IT!

LISA said...

Blog hops are always so much fun. Love your peach blossoms

Ladybug said...

Wow, this blog hop is super fun. Your peach blossom is bee-u-ti-ful!

Christi said...

Who knew blog hops could be so much fun! And inspiring! Thank you!


Libby Dyson said...

thgis blog hop is great. So glad to see people have left comments. Peach blossoms are lovely in spring.

JanetintheJaw said...

Love the blog! Loving the NSD Hop too!

KerrynF said...

Beautiful blog and a beautiful flower.

SanDslnrs said...

Hi Michele! I enjoy a cup of hot green tea and then going through my craft forums (Cuttlebug chat).

Anonymous said...

Love this blog hop, as well as my Cuttlebug!


Savor the Journey said...

Love this blog hop, as well as my Cuttlebug! I'm not familiar with the actual Peach Blossoms, but I definitely love their fruits!
(Sorry about the accidental 'anonymous' right above ... slippin' of the fingers!


jinxi~ aka angi said...

Never heard of licorice tea, but it sounds sooo yummy!
Going to have to try it!
Peach Blossoms=Peach cobbler..mmm ;)

Anonymous said...

Love this idea have been blog hopping for ages but this is such a great way to do it.

Chrissie said...

Great peach blossom! I'm now a follower! Great blog.

Inkerbelle said...

I just love to unwind and relax at home with reading, crafting or puttering around in the garden.

eugenie said...

Hi Michele,
Don't know if international participation is allowed but anyway I trying my chance and so happy to discover all these talented ladies you are.

Jill Haddad said...

Just playing along. Nice choice of flower.

SuzanneRenee said...

woohooo thanks so much for the blog hop it's been fun so far!!

Carol Barr said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Carol Barr said...

This is my first blog hop.

I relax by crafting with my 5 yr old grandaughter. She loves to crank the handle on the cuttlebug. It is such a delight to see the look on her face when the finished product comes through.

Make yourself a GREAT day!

Kim Marie said...

Your projects are gorgeous! Love those rocks!
Kim Marie

Lisa McDowell said...

This is so much fun... I have never done a blog hop...

Tracey Taylor said...

Thanks for the chance to win!!

Britta Swiderski said...

Pretty flower! Thanks for the chance to win!

Patricia St Martin said...

This is great. Love it. Brings out the crafty spirit in every person.

Beth said...

I love your peach blossoms and your blog.

Gloria said...

Love to read to relax or make a card>

Nancy G. said...

Right now my husband is in Iraq so the only me time I have is at night after they are asleep. I have a 6 year old a 1 1/2 year old and one on the way. One of the ways I like to relax is make a bowl of pasta with marinara sauce and watch one of my fav movies. Not very healthy maybe but very relaxing.

Shelley said...

I relax with a cup of tea and my craft magazines or books (or blog hopping as I'm now doing, lol). ~ Shelley

Unknown said...

Have a blessed day! Peach blossoms were a wonderful pick!

Louise (KardKrazy) said...

I've never seen peach blossoms, but they appear to be as lovely as apple blossoms which I love.

Brianna B said...

Checking to win a cuttlebug-can't win if you don't try!! :) Love the peach blossom!

Allison Cope said...

I relax and unwind to get inspired by sitting down at my desk, grabbing a scrappy mag and just browsing. Either that or just browsing through all the cool scrap related blogs I like.

Susan said...

I'm from the peach state, so of course I love peach blossoms

Rona said...

Thanks for the chance to win! Love the inspiration on your blog.

Betty J Schaub said...

wonderful blog hop! can't wait to see more!!!

Kate Cecil said...

I relax/rejuvenate by completing Suduko puzzles. It helps me focus on one thing and everything else calms down to a manageable level. thanks for the inspiration.

Rebecca Keppel said...

Well, blog hopping is one way to unwind and get lots of inspiration. I too like flipping through mags with a cup of tea.

Brittany Kohl said...

Very pretty creations you have! Thanks for participating in the blog hop, such fun this is!

Charo said...

Hope I make it. Thanks for your art!

Unknown said...

Better late then never yippee

Secret Dreams And Passions said...

Greetings Michele,
I relax by going into my scrap room. There is a peace in there, that makes my heart smile. I can then create or just look at the latest magazine.
Great blog!!
Denise from OHio

Lita said...

oh how I've missed you!! I don't care what you are giving away, I don't care about anything like that. I just want to say THANK YOU for always having faith in me. I miss you!! I truly do!!! xoxoxoxoxoxoxo

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